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Funky Unicorn Treats

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Funky Unicorn Treats

As horse owners and medical providers, we wanted more out of our traditional horse treats. We were having issues with our horses not drinking during cold spells and picky water drinkers which led to some of our horses tying up an even colicing.  We wanted an easy way to help our horses "want" to hydrate and to help them with muscle recovery post workout. We were making sugar cubes for treats and decided to add electrolytes to them for our horses which increased their water intake and helped with overall recovery and performance.  Our fellow riders and competitors that utilized our shared homemade product wanted to know where to purchase our electrolyte cubes and a new product was developed.   Our proprietary formula incorporates electrolytes in small quantities into an established treat of sugar cubes with a goal to help to encourage hydration. Developed with our FEI Veterinarian and now manufactured in a pharmaceutical factory in the USA. Every cube has the exact amount of ingredients since it is human pharmaceutical grade and is 100% show safe.

Electrolyte Cubes That Horses LOVE!

Read our Capability Statement!

